Thursday, January 19, 2023


 JANUARY 20, 2023 

REMEMBER TO BE: the latest version of our "theme" song

Here's the recorded music: Remember to be - recording 

And the lyrics and sheet music is down below. 

Hi folks!

Well, I just recorded the third (and I think best) version of our (Jan and mine) theme song, "Remember to Be."

I've attached a recording of the music as well as the sheet music with lyrics.

Even if you can't read sheet music, just following along while you listen will help you get a sense of the melody. Then when you've "got it," you can go to the lyrics on the second page.  

I don't think it will take more than 5 or 10 minutes to get it. I tried to make the new melody as easy and singable as possible.

"But WAIT!" I hear you say. "I CANNOT sing!!"

Well, i don't care:>)   I need voices, the more the merrier.  Or maybe if you REALLY feel shy about it, you know somebody who can record this?

If you want to give it a try, here's what you do (well, there's a million ways, but this is maybe the easiest)

Get your phone.

Get earbuds or headphones, and listen to the music (make sure the music is not so loud it "bleeds through" and gets recorded - I need your voice alone).

Sing along, recording it into a phone message. Then send it to That's it. (you can also send it via Facebook or any number of other social media apps, but I figure everyone has voice messages on their phones.

The lyrics, if you listen carefully, are actually a guided meditation.  If you're not familiar with meditation, it may sound like some kind of "new age" overly simplistic feel good thing. 

The 2nd verse (let go of the future, let go of the past, etc) is from an 11th century Tibetan Buddhist text. But the essential message of the song is the same as Jesus' injunction to be as "the lilies of the field."

And I've worked with hundreds of veterans who have been in the most horrific wartime situations, hundreds of severely abused individuals, profoundly intellectually disabled individuals, and I have  yet to meet one - in no matter how challenging a situation - who did not have at least some intimation of this basic understanding - that there is some seed of essential goodness, fundamental happiness, innermost peace,  deep within all of us potentially accessible at any moment. 

or to put it simply:

remember to be:>))

Please give it a try - or pass it along if you know anybody interested in adding their voice.

In deepest gratitude,