Tuesday, August 13, 2019


If you've arrived at this page, you are probably a mental health worker or teacher I've spoken to about how to use information about the brain with your patients or students.

In addition to the link above, there are several other resources on this site and other sites that I often recommend.

Here is the framework I've been using recently for psychological evaluations:


In a way, you might say that virtually every psychotherapeutic intervention  - whether psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family or community therapy, psycho-education of any kind, or any other intervention - is ultimately about finding ways to help shift from the chaos, conflict and confusion on the "rim" to the peace, quiet joy and calm of the "center" of the wheel of awareness.

Imagine, for a moment, if we lived in a world where all therapists, all teachers, all politicians, business people, tech specialists, artists, athletes... in short, everybody - was eagerly and joyfully building neighborhoods, communities, towns, villages, cities, states and nations in which we all as one found infinitely diverse yet common ways of assisting each other in shifting our attention to this quiet joyful center of awareness!

What a wonderful world it could be.

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